The appointment of the UPI Campania Board of Directors at Palazzo Sant'Agostino -
salernoSalerno province

The appointment of the UPI Campania Board of Directors at Palazzo Sant'Agostino

Today at Palazzo Sant'Agostino the President of the Province of Salerno Franco Alfieri participated in the UPI Campania General Assembly. The Presidents and Provincial Councilors of the 4 Provinces of Campania were present, summoned for the election of the new Board of Directors. “We have proceeded with the appointment – ​​declares President Franco Alfieri – of the Regional Board of UPI Campania which sees the presence by right of the four Presidents and six provincial Councilors (two for the Provinces of Salerno and Caserta and one for Avellino and Benevento). UPI Campania must be the spokesperson for the Campania provinces on the national UPI table to have more weight in negotiations between Local Authorities and the National Government. To protect our South and Campania, we must work on the future structure of the Public Administration to build together a new Province, stronger and more structured, which can provide concrete answers and better services to our communities".

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