Angri, the inauguration of the Rio Sguazzatoio Bridge on Wednesday 31 January -
Salerno province

Angri, the inauguration of the Rio Sguazzatoio Bridge on Wednesday 31 January

Wednesday 31 January, at 10,00 am, the President of the Province of Salerno Franco Alfieri inaugurates the Rio Sguazzatoio bridge - SP 185 junction in the municipality of Angri. The provincial councilors, mayors and local administrators of the Agro Nocerino Sarnese will be present.

“The bridge over the Sguazzatoio – declares President Alfieri – is an important work for improving the safety of the entire area. As part of the works on the alternative road to the SS 18 in the Agro Nocerino Sarnese, we have created and opened to vehicular transit this stretch of road, approximately 300 meters long, falling within the municipalities of Scafati, Angri and San Marzano Sul Sarno. The bridge is positioned here, consisting of a single span with a span of 18 m. approximately, which has adequate width to contain two lanes of 3.50 m and the related platforms of 1.25 m each. The Province continues to work in absolute proximity to the concrete needs of our communities."

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