Benefits of onion (Vatolla's even better) -

Benefits of onion (Vatolla's even better)

The onion has notable and well-known therapeutic properties. Therefore, it is advisable to consume it daily (even if spouses and boyfriends or simply those who work or hang out with you might not agree). Onion stimulates all organic functions, acts as an antibacterial and anti-infective, and promotes the correct functioning of the kidneys, facilitating the elimination of nitrogenous waste substances. This vegetable is particularly suitable for diabetics and those at risk of cardiovascular disease. However, it is important to note that the therapeutic effect may vary from person to person, and the use of onion for healing purposes should be considered as part of a balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.


Here is a summary of the properties of the onion:

  1. Antibacterial and anti-infective properties: Onion is known for its antibacterial and anti-infective properties, which could help fight infections.
  2. Stimulation of kidney function: It is claimed that onion can stimulate the functioning of the kidneys and promote the elimination of nitrogenous waste, acting as a diuretic.
  3. Benefits for diabetics and cardiovascular health: Onion could positively affect blood sugar and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering cholesterol and reducing blood density.
  4. Diuretic effect: Onion and its decoction are known for their diuretic effect, which can contribute to the renewal of body fluids.
  5. Bacteriostatic and antibiotic properties: Onion is described as bacteriostatic and antibiotic, particularly useful in respiratory tract inflammation and flu.
  6. Benefits for muscle and joint conditions: Onion is claimed to have beneficial effects on people with arthritis, osteoarthritis, hyperuricemia, gout and muscle pain.
  7. Reducing the risk of laryngeal cancer: A 2015 study showed that a weekly consumption of more than three portions of onion can reduce the risk of laryngeal cancer by 30%.
  8. Recommended consumption methods: We recommend consuming raw onion, preferably mixed with green salads, to best preserve its therapeutic properties.
  9. Contraindications: Some sensitive people may experience slowed digestion and increased stomach acid secretions after onion intake. Those suffering from gastritis, gastric ulcers and gastroesophageal reflux should limit onion consumption.

It is always advisable to consult a health professional before making significant changes to your diet, especially if you have pre-existing medical conditions.

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Party of the Onion Vatolla


the “Vatolla onion” is a very particular and characteristic variety of onion from the Perdifumo area, in the province of Salerno. Here is a summary of its main features:

  1. Origin and Production: The Vatolla onion takes its name from the hamlet of Vatolla in the municipality of Perdifumo, in the province of Salerno, Italy. The production territory also extends to other nearby municipalities.
  2. Shape and Color: The Vatolla onion has a spinning top or tapered shape. The external tunics are straw-yellow/pink in colour, while the cut bulb shows a whitish internal color with pinkish hues.
  3. Size: It is a large-sized variety of onion, with weights that can vary from 400 to 500 grams up to 1000 grams and more.
  4. Organoleptic characteristics: The Vatolla onion is described as very sweet, with little pungency. It has a delicate and not very penetrating scent. Its particular sweetness makes it unique. It is particularly appreciated for its high digestibility and the absence of tearing during preparation.

These organoleptic characteristics, the sweetness, the low pungency and the absence of tearing are certainly elements that can make this variety of onion popular and distinctive. Its local production could also contribute to the preservation of the region's biodiversity and culinary traditions.

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