Ceraso, the town of cherries – video - www.cilentano.it
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Ceraso, the town of cherries – video

The first documented news of Ceraso, a parchment from Pope Eugene III, dates back to 6 May 1149, even if some elements, the cult of San Nicola di Mira, the toponym, Kerasous which takes us back to the city of the same name in Pontus, suggest that the village had been founded before the year 1000.
The village was built around an important connection road "La Via del Sale" which connected the Veline streets with the Ionian coast. Its importance grew when during the Roman age another road was added today called "Costa delle Monache", which connected the town with a Roman toll station "Corneto" today Vallo della Lucania and during the Middle Ages it had achieved notable socio-economic development.

Its hamlets are: Massascusa, San Biase, Santa Barbara and Petrosa

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Church of San Nicola di Bari, which has a neoclassical style façade, while the interior preserves stucco decorations from the late Baroque period. The roof consists of a barrel vault. It surprises with its large size
Church of San Martino, built following the canons of rural architecture in the XNUMXth century.
Palazzo De Marsilio (one of the most beautiful examples of rural housing of Cilento. It was built around 1790 and took on the appearance of a manor house with all the typical services attached such as the noble chapel), Lancillotti – Ebner (built in the XNUMXth century), Antonini – Ferrara (was , of meetings to organize the revolts during the revolutionary uprisings of Cilento), Di Lorenzo (with an internal garden), Ferolla and Testa Ferrara
Abbey of Pattano
Church of San Felice
Fossa and San Giovanni dams, artificial reservoirs for irrigation use
Lago Fabbrica, a dam created for the irrigation of the Piana di Velia, but also used for sport fishing
Bosco Bruca, with chestnut, alder and walnut trees


Cilentano.it was born in 2011 as ilcilento.altervista.org. The blog featured cutting-edge features such as video and photography backgrounds. The domain name was purchased in 2012 and the site has changed graphics over time. For over four years it has been as you see it. Equipped with a video and YouTube channel, it offers information on the Cilento Diano and Alburni National Park area as well as the neighboring towns. It is open to anyone who wants to be part of it with writings, photos, stories and information on these places yet to be discovered. The blog is free and non-profit. The trademark is registered.

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