in Ortodonico (a hamlet of Montecorice) – video -
CilentoStoryvideo lesson in Ortodonico (a hamlet of Montecorice) – video

The name of Ortodonico appears in some ancient manuscripts relating to the early years of 1000 AD, but there have been findings from the Bronze Age and the Roman era kept in the municipal antiquarium of Agropoli. Having become a customs house under the Normans, Ortodonico, called Ortodopnicus by the Romans and Ortodominici in the Middle Ages, owes its name to the numerous vegetable gardens, gardens and the abundance of water present, the name literally means "Garden of the Lord"

The town has a historic center almost intact from the modernization that characterized the development of the upper part of the town, there are two noble palaces and a splendid medieval tower and in the same is located the church of S.Antonio Abate with a characteristic bell tower sailing and the museum of rural civilization, where it is possible to visit an ancient oil mill and various objects linked to the rural life of the past. Since 2014, as part of a pro loco project, you will find the headquarters of the violin making laboratory entitled "Fratelli de Luccia" in honor of the famous violin makers De Luccia from Casigliano. The peculiarity is that its director is Alfonso Toscano, violin maker, a direct descendant of the De Luccias. (wikipedia)

drafting was born in 2011 as The blog featured cutting-edge features such as video and photography backgrounds. The domain name was purchased in 2012 and the site has changed graphics over time. For over four years it has been as you see it. Equipped with a video and YouTube channel, it offers information on the Cilento Diano and Alburni National Park area as well as the neighboring towns. It is open to anyone who wants to be part of it with writings, photos, stories and information on these places yet to be discovered. The blog is free and non-profit. The trademark is registered.

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