Diet before Christmas (maybe it's too late...) -

Diet before Christmas (maybe it's too late...)

Research conducted by Nutrimente Onlus revealed that approximately 48% of Italians significantly reduce the portions of their meals in the weeks preceding the Christmas holidays. This behavior is driven by the belief that this strategy can help prevent excessive weight gain during large holiday meals. However, experts advise avoiding preventative fasting, as arriving hungry at holiday meals can lead to a greater risk of overeating. Rather, it is suggested to follow a balanced and healthy diet, rich in foods that accelerate the metabolism, and to maintain a balanced and relaxed lifestyle.

diet before Christmas meals
diet before Christmas meals

Some foods can help our bodies function more efficiently by increasing energy consumption. Green tea, for example, thanks to the high concentration of epigallocatechin gallate, antioxidants and polyphenols, has a thermogenic action. Chili pepper, containing capsaicin, stimulates metabolic activities by reducing the feeling of hunger. Extra virgin olive oil, with oelic acid, helps eliminate fats. Foods such as pineapple, spices, garlic, avocado, and various fruits and vegetables, along with those rich in Omega3 such as nuts and seeds, are useful for maintaining an efficient metabolism. The real thing will begin tomorrow evening Mediterranean diet Christmas version 🙂 !

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