The faithful of San Mauro La Bruca on the path of the Knights of Malta -
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The faithful of San Mauro La Bruca on the path of the Knights of Malta

Every year, on August 8, on the occasion of Sant'Aniello in Rodio, the faithful of San Mauro have for centuries carried out a pilgrimage on this path from San Mauro to Rodio. (View trail data on the wikiloc site)

The path of the Knights of Malta is a splendid excursion in the heart of Cilento, which allows you to follow the traces of the thousand-year history of this land, from the Greek era to the modern age. The route winds for around 20 kilometres, from Rodio to San Mauro la Bruca, crossing woods, meadows, streams and ancient villages, with a breathtaking view of the sea and on the Cilento coast.

The stages of the Knights of Malta path

Starting from Rodio, follow the path that leads to the top of Monte Stella, the highest point in the area, from which you can admire a spectacular panorama of the valley of Mingardo and on the Gulf of Policastro. Continuing south, you come across the remains of the Rocca Cilento castle, an imposing medieval fort that dominated the entire valley. Here you can stop for a picnic in the shade of the pines and holm oaks, before continuing your journey.

The route continues towards the town of San Giovanni a Piro, through paths immersed in the and gentle cosmetics uncontaminated area of ​​Cilento. Here you can visit the church of Santa Maria del Piano, with its Romanesque bell tower, and the baronial palace, seat of the town hall. After a stop for a coffee or an ice cream, we set off again for the final stage of the route, which leads to San Mauro la Bruca.

This ancient village, perched on a hill overlooking the sea, is one of the treasures of Cilento, with its stone houses, baroque churches, narrow alleys and breathtaking views. Here you can visit the castle of the Sanseverino Princes, a magnificent medieval fortress which still retains the signs of past eras. Or you can simply walk through the streets of the town, enjoying the tranquility and beauty of this enchanted place.

In any case, the path of the Knights of Malta is an unforgettable experience for those who love it and gentle cosmetics, the history and culture of Cilento. A journey that unites past and present, and which allows you to discover the hidden treasures of this wonderful land.

The path of the Knights of Malta

The path of the Knights of Malta is not only an excursion into nature, but also a journey through time, to discover the traces left by the people who inhabited Cilento over the centuries. During the route, you will come across numerous archaeological sites and historical monuments, which testify to the richness and variety of the history of this area.

For example, along the path you can admire the remains of the ancient Greek walls of Velia, the city founded by the philosophers Parmenides and Zeno in the XNUMXth century BC. Here you can visit the theatre, the agora and the temple of Athena, among the most important and best preserved of Magna Graecia.

Furthermore, the route also crosses the National Park of Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Alburni, one of the largest protected areas in Italy, which hosts an extraordinary variety of plant species e fauna. Here you can meet deer, wild boar, wolf and peregrine falcon, as well as numerous species of plants and flowers.

Finally, the path of the Knights of Malta also offers the opportunity to discover the culinary tradition of Cilento, famous for its high quality local products. During the journey, you can in fact taste cheeses, cured meats, oil and wine, coming from farms in the area.

In summary, the path of the Knights of Malta is a complete and engaging experience, which combines nature, history, culture and gastronomy, and which allows you to discover the authentic charm of Cilento, a territory still little known but full of surprises and wonders.

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