Meloni: Pope Francis will participate in the G7 summit -

Meloni: Pope Francis will participate in the G7 summit

“I am honored to announce today the participation of Pope Francis in the work of the G7 in the session dedicated to artificial intelligence” declared Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni in a video statement, illustrating the topics that Italy, as president, will bring to the attention of the G7. “I heartily thank the Holy Father for accepting Italy's invitation. His presence - Meloni further underlines - gives prestige to our nation and to the entire G7. It is the first time in history that a pontiff participates in the work of the Group of 7 and the Holy Father will do so in the 'outreach' session, the one also open to invited countries and not just to the members of the G7. I am convinced that the presence of His Holiness will make a decisive contribution to the definition of a regulatory, ethical and cultural framework for artificial intelligence"

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