Weather in Campania – weekend 19th to 21/4/24 -

Weather in Campania – weekend 19th to 21/4/24

Here is the weather forecast for the weekend of April 19, 2024 in Campania:

Friday April 19: Isolated thunderstorms will be expected throughout the day with temperatures varying between 3°C and 12°C. The rain will be moderate in intensity with a 65% chance of precipitation, and an accumulation of approximately 0.56 inch is expected (World Weather Online).

Saturday April 20: The day will be mostly sunny with temperatures ranging between 35°C during the day and 12°C at night. The chance of rain will be low, around 4%​ (World Weather Online).

Sunday April 21: The weather will be partly cloudy with short periods of scattered rain. Temperatures will hover between 13°C and 14°C, with moderate winds that could reach 27km/h. Humidity will be 57% with a slight chance of rain​ (World Weather Online).

drafting was born in 2011 as The blog featured cutting-edge features such as video and photography backgrounds. The domain name was purchased in 2012 and the site has changed graphics over time. For over four years it has been as you see it. Equipped with a video and YouTube channel, it offers information on the Cilento Diano and Alburni National Park area as well as the neighboring towns. It is open to anyone who wants to be part of it with writings, photos, stories and information on these places yet to be discovered. The blog is free and non-profit. The trademark is registered.

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