Roccadaspide hospital: a 24-hour resuscitator is missing. The appeal of the provincial Nursind -

Roccadaspide hospital: a 24-hour resuscitator is missing. The appeal of the provincial Nursind

The Nursind Salerno expresses profound concerns regarding the healthcare reorganization planned for the Calore Valley, as outlined in the recent presentation of the corporate organizational activity of the Salerno ASL. In particular, the union is troubled by the possible implications such changes could have on the quality and accessibility of health services for citizens in the area.
“Our attention is focused on the fate of the Roccadaspide hospital, which should be incorporated into the DEA of Vallo della Lucania Agropoli. While recognizing the importance of strengthening territorial structures, legitimate doubts arise regarding the reorganization proposal", said the general secretary of Nursind Salerno, Biagio Tomasco. “Our main concern concerns the expected lack of a 24-hour resuscitator at the Roccadaspide hospital. In an area classified as disadvantaged, this figure is of vital importance to guarantee prompt intervention in emergency situations. Limiting the presence of the resuscitator at certain times could constitute a risk for patient safety and a deterrent for access to health services".
Furthermore, there is concern about the replacement of the Laboratory Analysis unit with Point of care testing (POTC), which could compromise the accessibility and quality of laboratory services for patients in the area.
“We also believe that the reduction in the supply of essential services, as highlighted in the planning for the Rocchese hospital, could penalize the most vulnerable sections of the population, already disadvantaged by poor services and inadequate infrastructure”, continued Giovanni Aspromonte, coordinator of the ASL Salerno for the provincial Nursind. Therefore, we make an urgent appeal to the leaders of the Salerno Local Health Authority and the Campania Region to carefully review the planning for the Roccadaspide hospital, taking into account the legitimate concerns and needs of the local community. It is essential to ensure safe, accessible and equitable health services for all citizens of the Calore Valley. In this spirit of dialogue and collaboration, we hope that the competent institutions will take our observations seriously and act promptly to ensure a quality healthcare system for the entire community."

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