Salerno, Memory in Motion: What is a public intellectual. The industrious thought of Giuseppe Cacciatore and Pino Cantillo -

Salerno, Memory in Motion: What is a public intellectual. The industrious thought of Giuseppe Cacciatore and Pino Cantillo

The Memoria in Movimento Association has programmed, as part of the RESISTENZE event, a one-day initiative for next April 30th at 18.00 pm at the Casa del Volontariato in via Patella (cross street from Corso Vittorio Emanuele between numbers 88 and 90). year since the death of two professors and philosophers
from Salerno: Peppino Cacciatore and Pino Cantillo. What is a public intellectual. Industrious thinking
by Giuseppe Cacciatore and Pino Cantillo. It will not be just a simple memory of two intellectuals from Salerno,
who with their commitment and passion have made a strong civil and cultural contribution to our city and to our association, with which they have shared a piece of their lives.
We would like, speaking about them, to discuss and reflect on Salerno, its development, its potential.
This discussion will be introduced and enriched by professors Giso Amendola and Alfonso Conte.
During the evening, a table will also be set up to collect signatures relating to the four referendum questions launched by the CGIL on important issues related to work, its precariousness and the absence of rules that guarantee safety in the procurement system .


renato leproux

He worked for thirty years at the Ministry of Defense. Since he was a child he has lived in Cilento, as he grew up he made it a point to spread the breathtaking beauty of these places steeped in legend and framed by still wild and uncontaminated nature.

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