Come to Cilento to experience the magnificence of Campania: Palinuro -
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Come to Cilento to experience the magnificence of Campania: Palinuro

Palinuro is a hamlet of Centola, Sa, at the southern end of Campania, in the heart of the mountains and forests of the Cilento, Vallo di Diano and Albani National Parks. The town is located on the shores of the Tyrrhenian Sea, with sandy beaches hidden in the corners of the irregular shoreline.

Palinuro between history and legend

The history of Palinuro is steeped in legend. It is here that Virgil found inspiration in the sad story of Aeneas' helmsman, who, deceived by the god Sleep, fell into sea while escorting his fleet to Italy.

One of its most famous myths is that of the island of the sirens described in Homer's famous Odyssey. Legends speak of evil creatures capable of bewitching sailors with their singing. Despite the passage of time, these legends are still as alive and evocative as they once were. If you wish to discover the hidden magic behind these ancient stories, there is no better place to do so than visiting Cilento!

Palinuro was born in primitive times around the hills of Molpa and was colonized by the founders of nearby Elea (Velia), from which the first settlements were formed.

Destroyed in the Middle Ages, the survivors took refuge in various monasteries in the area and founded several nearby cities. It then became intertwined with Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Norman history until the Cilento revolt in 1828 against the Bourbon tyranny.

What to visit in Palinuro

Palinuro is not just the sea. The coast is surrounded by a promiscuous Mediterranean scrub of bushes and brambles. If you visit Palinuro, here are some of the places not to be missed.

La good sleep beach

Molpa Hill

The Greeks called the river Lambro and its estuary, Molpa. The village of Pal-Mol stood between the two headlands of Molpa and Palinuro. This was demonstrated by the discovery of some silver coins.

Trekking lovers travel up the hill to admire the landscape of Capo Palinuro up to the ruins of Castello della Molpa, where legend has it that even today the ghost of "Donna Isabella" wanders among the ruins in search of her love.


For archeology enthusiasts, the Antiquarium is located in the heart of Palinuro. It preserves important prehistoric testimonies and artefacts, as well as ancient coins used by the first inhabitants of the Molpa Hills.

Capo Palinuro lighthouse

A lighthouse and a meteorological observatory are located in a rocky chasm at Capo Palinuro, on the tip of Telegrafo. The light of the lighthouse, (70 meters high) is visible in Sicily. Climb to the top for a panoramic view of the promontory.

Piazza Virgilio and the church

In the church of Santa Maria di Loreto in Piazza Virgilio, a few years ago, a miracle occurred: the shadow of the Virgin appeared on the façade of the bell tower.

XNUMXth century fountain

The fountain was built at the end of the XNUMXth century, in an elegant garden in the heart of Palinuro. It is rectangular in shape, with vine plants painted in pastel colors on the side pillars. In the center of the fountain there is a cavity from which water flows.

The Primula palinuro

Primula palinuro is a fascinating plant that flowers on the coastal slopes of the Mediterranean coasts. It is a wonderful addition to the garden, with its brilliant star-shaped inflorescences in colors from antique white to deep scarlet. The primrose can grow up to 15-20 centimeters and is made up of a smooth and cylindrical stem with the leaves positioned at the base of it, the leaves are serrated and green in colour. Although not as well known as other species, the Primula palinuro undoubtedly represents a visual gift for any green space!


The natural habitat of the Primula palinuro is Mediterranean Europe, where it can be found growing from Turkey to Italy. It is a species adapted to the mild climate that can tolerate lower temperatures. It prefers rocky soil with good humidity and rarely grows lower than sea level. It is often found growing as a population of bushes along the edge of coastal cliffs, rocky slopes. The most ideal conditions for its growth are on coastal cliffs from 100 to 200 m and furthermore the palinuro primula prefers areas sheltered from the wind. These plants also love direct sunlight and require minimal sun exposure to thrive.


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