Oliveto Citra, Sa – Oleica from 27 to 29/12/23 - www.cilentano.it
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Oliveto Citra, Sa – Oleica from 27 to 29/12/23

THEevent's audience #Oleica is a fantastic initiative to celebrate the culinary culture and food traditions of our land. The program, dedicated to the "3 Fs", flours, beans and oil mills, promises an evocative walk through the alleys of the historic center, enriched by food and wine stands, music and surprises. This experience will lead you to discover the deep roots of food traditions and local gastronomy, authentic treasures of a thousand-year-old rural history and evidence of a culture that proudly displays its roots.

Le recipes dishes presented during the event will be true works of art, underlining how cooking can be an art form that evokes memories and connects people to their cultural roots: a beautiful opportunity to enjoy authentic and traditional dishes that represent the history and culture of the community. The event, unique and engaging, is organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Oliveto Citra.

The program:

Wednesday 27th – Historic Centre, starting at 20.30pm: Food and wine tours through the alleys, with music and entertainment

Thursday 28th – Council Chamber, starting at 18.30pm: Seminar “Root tourism and agri-food products. Paths and strategies to enhance olive growing and rural areas"

Friday 29th – Historic Centre, starting at 20.30pm: Food and wine tours through the alleys, with music and entertainment

oleica olive grove citra
oleica olive grove citra


Cilentano.it was born in 2011 as ilcilento.altervista.org. The blog featured cutting-edge features such as video and photography backgrounds. The domain name was purchased in 2012 and the site has changed graphics over time. For over four years it has been as you see it. Equipped with a video and YouTube channel, it offers information on the Cilento Diano and Alburni National Park area as well as the neighboring towns. It is open to anyone who wants to be part of it with writings, photos, stories and information on these places yet to be discovered. The blog is free and non-profit. The trademark is registered.

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