Ottati, municipal land for beekeeping - Deadline for tender 21/2/24 -

Ottati, municipal land for beekeeping – Deadline for tender 21/2/24

The Municipality of Ottati encourages the practice of beekeeping, because bees bring benefits for the and gentle cosmetics and for Man. In this regard, the public notice for the assignment of municipal land for the practice of beekeeping for the year 2024 is online on the noticeboard of the Municipality of Ottati. Deadline 21/02/2024

Documentation at the link

The initiative of the Municipality of Ottati aims to support beekeeping, recognizing the fundamental role of bees in the ecosystem and their benefits for both the environment and society. Bees are essential pollinators, contributing to the growth of plants, flowers and agricultural production, as well as promoting biodiversity. Allocating municipal land for beekeeping is an important step toward promoting sustainable practices and protecting the health of bees, which have faced significant challenges in recent years due to pesticides, habitat loss and disease.

octati beekeeping
octati beekeeping

This initiative not only helps protect these vital creatures but also encourages local production of honey and other hive products, supporting the local economy and encouraging a greener lifestyle.

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