technologySalerno province


I join the voices of the citizens of the Auletta community who highlight the serious environmental, economic and image consequences that would result from the construction of such a plant. The entire rural identity of the area and the area would be irreparably compromised, also causing damage to the local production chain, characterized by decades-old traditions and high-quality products such as the white artichoke, extra virgin olive oil olive, the tondino bean, and others.

The size and location of the work raise legitimate concerns, underlining the need for an adequate discussion with the population before approving the council resolution. The lack of community involvement in the decision to activate the procedure for the variation to the Municipal Urban Plan (PUC) is a critical aspect that requires careful review. The proposed project will not contribute to a real circular economy, as it will require supplies from companies outside the area. This would inevitably lead to a loss of value for local products and a negative impact on the surrounding economies and on the quality of life of the citizens of the Municipalities of Buccino, Pertosa, Caggiano, Salvitelle and Petina.

As a citizen of Sarno, where similar systems have disrupted the lives of residents, I fully understand the negative effects of such systems in the vicinity of homes. Our community is paying serious consequences in terms of liveability in the area. We appreciate the words of the Mayor of Auletta and the local administration in not proceeding with any political act of variation to the PUC to allow the construction of the plant.

However, we are now asking for the revocation of the resolution that mandated the offices to activate the procedure, thus guaranteeing the non-implementation of the project.

As an internal areas commission we are ready to collaborate with the local authorities and the community of Auletta to explore sustainable and environmentally friendly alternatives that can preserve the integrity of the territory and the prosperity of traditional activities.

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