Tito, Pz, illuminated by the largest Christmas tree in Basilicata - www.cilentano.it

Tito, Pz, illuminated by the largest Christmas tree in Basilicata

This year too, the traditional Christmas tree was lit under the Satriano Tower, on the side overlooking the Tito valley, with its impressive display of LED lights, creating a unique festive atmosphere. The installation is a notable example of community collaboration, now in its twentieth edition, the installation of the Christmas tree demonstrates a strong connection with the community and the importance of collaboration between different bodies and organisations. Anspi Carità, with the support of the municipal administration of Tito and the Basilicata Region. The partnership with the Basilicata Energia luce & gas company has been renewed, which will provide the free energy needed for the ten thousand LED lights that make it the largest illumination in Basilicata.


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