Fraud on the elderly: two arrests in the Salerno area -
chronicleSalerno province

Fraud on the elderly: two arrests in the Salerno area

Two men were arrested by the Amalfi Carabinieri, accused of aggravated fraud against some local elderly people. The arrested persons, MT from Maddaloni and CDP from Casalnuovo di Napoli, were placed under house arrest following a decision by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of Salerno, following an order from the Public Prosecutor's Office.

Investigations revealed that, during August 2023, the two alleged scammers orchestrated several deceptions, posing as other people. On one occasion they posed as couriers, delivering a fictitious package that they claimed came from a non-existent nephew; in another episode, one of them pretended to be a lawyer. Using these ploys, they tricked the elderly into handing over gold jewelery and cash to them. In one particularly serious case, they even stole around 53.000 euros from the savings of an elderly couple. The restrictions imposed are temporary and subject to legal review. The charges will be further examined during subsequent stages of the trial.

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